CHRISTMAS EVE (Sunday 24th December 2017)
Morning: Regular Masses for 4th Sunday of Advent
5:30–6:15pm: Confessions
6:00pm: Vigil Mass of Christmas (Family Mass)
11:00pm: Confessions
11:30pm: Service of Carols & Midnight Mass of Christmas (Solemn Sung Mass with music by Palestrina and Rutter)
CHRISTMAS DAY (Monday 25th December 2017)
8:30am: Dawn Mass
10:00am: Family Mass with Carols
12 noon Solemn Mass with carols
No Mass at 6pm on Christmas Day
Please note that Catholics are obliged to attend Mass for the 4th Sunday of Advent (either 6pm Sat, or 8:30am, 10am, or 12 noon on Sunday 24 Dec.) in addition to one of the above Christmas Masses either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day itself.
Tuesday 26th December until Friday 29th December: Daily Mass at 10am ONLY
Saturday 30th December:
No Mass at 7:30am; Mass at 10am; Vigil Mass at 6pm; Confessions: 5:30–6pm.
Sunday 31st December: Mass at 8:30am; 10am; 12 noon; and 6pm as usual.
Monday 1 January 2018 (Bank Holiday): Mass at 10am ONLY
Tuesday 2nd January onwards: Normal Mass schedule resumes (weekdays at 7:30am; 10am; and 6pm)
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Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or