Your help is needed today
Choose where you would like to give your support.

Support the life and work of St Dominic’s Parish
Each year we need to raise over £140,000 to support our parish. Whether you are a parishioner or a visitor, please support us.

Support the Development of the Rosary Shrine
We are raising funds to restore and develop our magnificent church, and ensure a warm welcome for all. Contributions of all sizes are urgently needed.

Support the Friars who serve St Dominic’s
Donations help to support the community of friars who live next to the church and who serve the people of the parish.

Could you leave a Gift in your Will?
Gifts in people’s Wills are a vital source of income and have allowed us in recent years to take care of essential works on the church as well as other needs. Please consider leaving a gift to St Dominic’s in your Will.

Help support local people in our area
We are working in partnership with the HNCP to support isolated people and families in our neighbourhood.