Pope Francis has urged us to pray the Rosary daily during the month of May, which is known as Mary’s month, to ask God to end the pandemic. During the month of May, there will be a Rosary Procession every Saturday at 7pm in our church. This lasts about 30 minutes, and guest choirs will sing at some of them. The procession will not be livestreamed except on 29 May.
Our weekly livestreamed Rosary will continue every Friday at 8pm. Do please join us on youtube.com/c/RosariumOP. This is an online event only.
During the month of May, the Luminous Mysteries Rosary Garden will be open, weather permitting. Please note that if the weather is inclement, the garden will not be opened! Planned opening hours are:
Sunday: 8:30am – 11:45am
Monday: 1 – 2pm
Tuesday: 1 – 2pm
Wednesday: 1 – 2pm
Thursday: 3 – 4pm
Friday: 3 – 4pm
Saturday: 11am – 12pm
We thank our volunteers who enable the Garden to be opened. If you’d like to volunteer to open the garden, please email secretary@haverstockhill.org.uk or contact us on Facebook. Thank you.
On 22nd of May, the Legion of Mary will be making a Pilgrimage to the Rosary Shrine, and all are welcome to join them for prayers, Mass (12 noon), and a talk. The programme of events for that day are here.
On the 29th of May, the Rosary Garden will be open from 1:30pm – 5:30pm as part of the National Garden Scheme, and proceeds from tickets, tea, and cakes will go to charity. In the evening, after the 6pm Vigil Mass, the 7pm Rosary procession will be broadcast live on Radio Maria England, and there will be an opportunity to find out more about Radio Maria.
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Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or