On Sunday 31 May, the Rosary Shrine will be taking part in the National Rosary Rally.
Pope Francis is encouraging Catholics to pray the Rosary in their family homes during the month of May, especially when the pandemic is making us aware of the value of our families and making it possible for us to pray together in lockdown at home. He encourages simple Rosaries and joining online Rosary initiatives to pray to Our Lady for deliverance from Covid-19 and he has composed two prayers for this intention. Here at the Rosary Shrine we have been praying the Rosary (Mon-Fri) ‘Live’ at 8pm at our Facebook page. Anybody can join us, even if you’re not signed up to Facebook.
This month of prayer will culminate in the Pentecost Sunday National Rosary Rally, which takes place across our nations – Scotland, England, and Wales – from 9.00am to 9.00pm. This initiative has been receiving the support and encouragement of the Bishops of our countries, and the plan is to have peoples across each Diocese to pray the Rosary at a designated hour. This can be done individually, in families, as online prayer groups, parish groups, and where possible led online by their parish priests and Bishop.
This Rosary Shrine, being the Diocesan Shrine of Westminster, will take part in this Rally at the time appointed for our Diocese, 5:00 pm on Sun 31 May, with a stational Rosary streamed Live on our Facebook page. If you want to join us, visit our Facebook page at 5pm that day, and the Live video should come on.
Below are the rest of the allocated times for the United Kingdom and its dioceses. Find your diocese and please take part at the appropriate hour, or join us at the Rosary Shrine if you prefer.
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