October is the month of the Holy Rosary, and during this month we turn to Our Lady of the Rosary in fervent prayer, especially during this time of the pandemic. There are various restrictions in place still, but we will do our best to mark the month of the Rosary:
Every Saturday in October (beginning 3 October) there will be a candlelit Rosary Procession at 7pm (after the 6pm Vigil Mass). The Dominican friars alone will process with the statue of Our Lady, and everyone else is asked to please stay in their seats, socially-distanced and with face coverings on. Candles will be distributed before the procession, and these should be taken home with you or disposed of after the procession.
Sunday 4 October will be observed as “Rosary Sunday” with a solemn Mass celebrated by the Prior Provincial at 12 noon. Roses, which are a sacramental against illness, will be blessed and distributed after all the Masses on 3–4 October.
On every Friday in October at 8pm, the Rosary Shrine will be participating in the nation-wide “Rosary Whirlwind” for the month of October. A live Rosary prayed by the friars will be livestreamed on YouTube (youtube.com/c/RosariumOP).