Author: Lawrence Lew

New Year’s Day at the Rosary Shrine

New Year’s Day at the Rosary Shrine

This Friday, 1 January 2021, is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. We invite you to come in persona and join us here at Our Lady’s Rosary Shrine for a time of prayer and adoration.

We begin with Solemn Mass in the Ordinary Form at 6pm, with cantor and organ. Mass will be followed at 7pm with a Marian Procession with the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag. The beautiful and unique Dominican Litany of Our Lady will be chanted during this procession, as we entrust ourselves, our families, and all of 2021 to the Blessed Mother.

After the procession, we shall have a period of silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and then at 8pm, we shall pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary in the presence of the Eucharist on the Altar. This Rosary will be livestreamed to <> as we are joined by viewers from around the world, including the Intercessor Family of the Marian Devotional Movement from North America. The evening will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

In addition, Confessions will be heard from 7pm onwards.

For those can’t come personally, the whole evening will also be livestreamed on our usual Rosary Shrine YouTube channel <>.

Christmas 2020 at the Rosary Shrine

Christmas 2020 at the Rosary Shrine

UPDATE (19 Dec): London enter ‘Tier 4’ from 20 Dec. but the PM states that “communal worship” will still be lawful, so we will continue with our planned schedule below.

Below is the schedule for the coming weeks, beginning with the Simbang Gabi Novena of Masses (16-24 Dec), the schedule for Christmas, and a Mass followed by Marian Procession, Adoration, and Rosary on New Year’s Day.

Printed copies will be available from the friars or stewards at the back of the church.

Induction Mass (6 Dec, 12 noon)

Induction Mass (6 Dec, 12 noon)

Next Sunday, the 6th of December, at the 12 noon Solemn Mass, which is the 2nd Sunday of Advent, we welcome Bishop Nicholas Hudson back to St Dominic’s. The Bishop will come to celebrate the Mass during which he will induct Fr Lawrence Lew OP as Parish Priest. We hope to see a good representation of parishioners at this Mass, during which there is a beautiful dialogue between the Bishop, the parish priest, and the parishioners. The rite of Induction is reproduced in full below:

Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you willing to co-operate with your Archbishop in preaching Christ in season and out of season, explaining to all the Word of God? 

Fr Lawrence I am, with the help of God. 

Bishop People of this parish, you are called to preach Christ by the witness of a good life and to hand on the faith to others.  Are you willing to do this? 

People We are, with the help of God. 

Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you ready to pray with the people as well as for them, and to lead and encourage them in their apostolate in the world? 

Fr Lawrence I am, with the help of God. 

Bishop People of the parish, will you seek through prayer and service to grow in the knowledge of God and to make the Gospel known throughout the world? 

People We will, with the help of God. 

Bishop Fr Lawrence, will you prepare your people by wise instruction to receive the sacraments worthily and fruitfully? 

Fr Lawrence I will, with the help of God. 

Bishop People of the parish, will you co-operate with the Parish Priest in preparing the parishioners for the fruitful reception of the Sacraments? 

People We will, with the help of God. 

Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you willing to celebrate the sacraments faithfully for the glory of God and the sanctification of Christ’s people? 

Fr Lawrence I am, with the help of God. 

Bishop People of this parish, will you faithfully participate in the Sacred Mysteries so that the Church may be built up as the Body of Christ? 

People We will, with the help of God. 

Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you willing to care for the marginalised and underprivileged, and to strive for justice and peace, based on the saving Truth of the Gospel? 

Fr Lawrence I am, with the help of God. 

Bishop People of this parish, are you willing to work for justice and peace in your homes and places of work according to the Gospel? 

People We are, with the help of God. 

Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you willing to work zealously to overcome division among Christians and to seek the unity for which Jesus prayed? 

Fr George I am, with the help of God. 

Bishop People of this parish, will you co-operate with other Christians to promote the work of deeper unity? 

People We will, with the help of God. 

Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you resolved to carry out your duties as a parish priest, giving no grounds for reproach? 

Fr George I am, with the help of God. 

Bishop People of this parish, will you support your parish priest in the responsibilities into which he is inducted today? 

People We will, with the help of God. 


Bishop Let us pray.  God our Father, look upon Fr Lawrence, your servant and co-worker with the Archbishop in this place.  May his word and example inspire and guide your people here and may he and all those in his care come to the joy of everlasting life.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. 

People Amen. 

The Installation 

The new Parish Priest is led by the Bishop to the Presidential Chair and seated in it

Bishop In the name of His Eminence Cardinal Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, I give you the document of your appointment and I entrust to you the keys of the church. 

The greetings 

The new parish priest stands and faces the congregation

Fr Lawrence People of this parish, I greet you all in the name of Jesus Our Lord. 

People We welcome you among us in his name. 

Livestream Masses & Devotions

Livestream Masses & Devotions

Thanks to our benefactors we have been able to set up a professional-grade livestreaming facility in our church just on time for the current Lockdown!
Throughout the lockdown, we will stream a Mass at 6pm daily, Mondays – Saturdays. On Sundays we will stream both the Sunday 12pm Mass (Ordinary Form) and the Sunday 4pm Mass (Dominican rite/Extraordinary Form).

However, we are not able to livestream to Facebook through this system. The Masses will be livestreamed directly to a new Rosary Shrine YouTube channel:

Please click on the link and SUBSCRIBE. If you want to watch the Masses, it’s important to click on ‘Notifications’ so that you’ll be told when the Mass is Live online.

In addition to these Masses, we hope in future to livestream Rosary processions, sacred music concerts, talks, devotions, and more. Thank you for your support.

Currently, every Friday, the Rosary is prayed live at 8pm, and it is streamed to the Dominican Rosary Promoter General’s channel:

Apse & High Altar Restoration

Apse & High Altar Restoration

At the beginning of 2020, a fall of crumbling stonework from the apse (the windows around the High Altar) drew more urgent attention to the serious deterioration of the stonework in this vital part of the church.

To inspect more closely the damage that has developed over the years, and to remedy and safeguard the apse and the precious stained glass windows, a complex scaffolding must be erected with care over the elaborate marble reredos and canopied tabernacle which is the central feature of the sanctuary; then repair work will be undertaken on the damaged stone jambs, mullions and columns, with treatment and/or replacement of the iron saddle bars to prevent further corrosion and damage, and at least some minor repairs and cleaning of the stained glass windows (unless more extensive damage is revealed by closer inspection). The erection of the scaffolding will also allow for a cleaning of usually inaccessible parts of the apse, reredos, and stained glass windows.

Thanks to benefactions already given to the Rosary Shrine’s repair fund, we are able to begin this important work. We are currently actively seeking grants from charities, public bodies, and trusts to completely finance the significant cost of repairing, restoring, and cleaning the entire apse and High Altar.

The process will begin on 3 November, the feast of St Martin de Porres, and we entrust this project to his intercession. The whole area around the High Altar will be screened off for about 6 months; the Blessed Sacrament will be moved for the duration of these works to the tabernacle in the Lady Chapel; and the Mass in both Ordinary and Extraordinary Form (Dominican rite) will be said at the free-standing Main Altar in the sanctuary.

Please pray for a safe and uneventful restoration work, and we pray that we will be able to finance the whole project, by the providence of God. To this end, as always, donations towards our essential repairs and restoration works are welcomed. Please approach the Prior Fr Lawrence, or the Bursary Fr Toby if you’d like to help, or for more information about this project. Thank you.

Pray for our new Parish Priest & Rector

Pray for our new Parish Priest & Rector

On 15th October, the feast of St Teresa of Ávila, Cardinal Nichols ratified the appointment of Fr Lawrence Lew OP, Prior of St Dominic’s as the new Parish Priest of our parish of Our Lady of the Rosary and St Dominic’s, Haverstock Hill. Currently, the responsibilities of the Rector of the Rosary Shrine will also be undertaken by the Parish Priest.

Please pray for Fr Lawrence Lew in his service and ministry as Prior, Parish Priest, and Rector here at St Dominic’s – the Rosary Shrine. Fr Lawrence arrived in St Dominic’s in June 2017, having just gained his License in Sacred Theology from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC. Prior to that (from the time of his priestly ordination in 2011) he had been Assistant Chaplain at Edinburgh University, working alongside Fr Dermot Morrin OP, who has also served as Prior and Parish Priest of St Dominic’s. Fr Lawrence currently also serves as the Dominican Order’s Promoter General for the Holy Rosary; as Spiritual Director for the Westminster Curia of the Legion of Mary; and he is Editor of the English Dominican Province’s magazine, The Dominicans

The words of St Teresa’s ‘Bookmark’ seems a fitting reflection and prayer for Fr Lawrence as he takes on these new pastoral roles at St Dominic’s, and also for us all at this time when so many are anxious about the coronavirus and our current socio-economic and political situation:

Let nothing disturb you,

nothing frighten you,

All things are passing.

God never changes.

Patience obtains all things.

Whoever has God lacks nothing.

God is enough.

Amen. May Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Rosary pray for us!

October at the Rosary Shrine

October at the Rosary Shrine

October is the month of the Holy Rosary, and during this month we turn to Our Lady of the Rosary in fervent prayer, especially during this time of the pandemic. There are various restrictions in place still, but we will do our best to mark the month of the Rosary:

Every Saturday in October (beginning 3 October) there will be a candlelit Rosary Procession at 7pm (after the 6pm Vigil Mass). The Dominican friars alone will process with the statue of Our Lady, and everyone else is asked to please stay in their seats, socially-distanced and with face coverings on. Candles will be distributed before the procession, and these should be taken home with you or disposed of after the procession.

Sunday 4 October will be observed as “Rosary Sunday” with a solemn Mass celebrated by the Prior Provincial at 12 noon. Roses, which are a sacramental against illness, will be blessed and distributed after all the Masses on 3–4 October.

On every Friday in October at 8pm, the Rosary Shrine will be participating in the nation-wide “Rosary Whirlwind” for the month of October. A live Rosary prayed by the friars will be livestreamed on YouTube (

Pray for our new Prior!

Pray for our new Prior!

On Saturday 29th August 2020, the Dominican community elected Fr Lawrence Lew OP as their new Prior. Please pray for him, and for the community of St Dominic’s Priory.

The role of Prior is distinct from that of the Parish Priest. The Prior is the religious superior of the Dominican friars based here who serve in the parish and the Shrine, but who also have a diverse mission serving in local schools, universities, hospitals, and a prison, as well as giving preached retreats and talks internationally, and teaching at Blackfriars Hall in Oxford.

The Parish Priest of St Dominic’s church is assisted by other friars in the community, and he oversees the mission of the parish and has charge of the pastoral care and sacramental life of the Catholic community who worship here.

In addition to being Prior, Fr Lawrence continues to serve as Promoter General for the Holy Rosary in the General Curia of the Order, and as Rector of the Rosary Shrine, working alongside our parishioners in welcoming pilgrims and visitors and guests to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Opening Hours & Mass Times

Opening Hours & Mass Times

We are not yet “back to normal” but we are delighted to have daily Masses, Confessions, and of course Sunday Mass and Adoration again. Please be vigilant, stay safe, and observe the social distancing guidelines, and wear a mask in church. Below is our current schedule:

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Sponsor a Lamp

Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or

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