Friends of the Rosary Shrine

Become a Friend of the Rosary Shrine

The Friends of the Rosary Shrine was established in 2016 to support fundraising for the development of our church as a Diocesan Shrine. It is especially suited to those who wish to make a small ongoing monthly commitment to this fund.


Friends agree to make a minimum personal contribution of £10 a month (or £120 a year) to the Shrine fund.

Friends are encouraged to promote fundraising for the Shrine, either through encouraging others to become Friends, or through approaching individuals about making donations (having consulted first with the President of the Friends).

The Friends meet on a regular basis to discuss progress and plan future fundraising activities.


Concessions on paid ticketed events will be allowed to the Friends (up to a maximum value of £30 of savings per annum).

Join Now with an Online Donation

You can join the Friends using the form below.

Offline Giving

To make an offline gift, use our standing order form, and send it to us with a note indicating that you wish to join as a Friend.

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Sponsor a Lamp

Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or

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