Thanks to our benefactors we have been able to set up a professional-grade livestreaming facility in our church just on time for the current Lockdown!
Throughout the lockdown, we will stream a Mass at 6pm daily, Mondays – Saturdays. On Sundays we will stream both the Sunday 12pm Mass (Ordinary Form) and the Sunday 4pm Mass (Dominican rite/Extraordinary Form).
However, we are not able to livestream to Facebook through this system. The Masses will be livestreamed directly to a new Rosary Shrine YouTube channel:
Please click on the link and SUBSCRIBE. If you want to watch the Masses, it’s important to click on ‘Notifications’ so that you’ll be told when the Mass is Live online.
In addition to these Masses, we hope in future to livestream Rosary processions, sacred music concerts, talks, devotions, and more. Thank you for your support.
Currently, every Friday, the Rosary is prayed live at 8pm, and it is streamed to the Dominican Rosary Promoter General’s channel:
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Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or