The Garden of the Luminous Mysteries

Pope St John Paul II introduced five new Mysteries of Light to the traditional fifteen decades of the Rosary in 2002.
As the Diocesan Shrine for the Holy Rosary, in 2019 we created a beautiful and accessible new space for the praying of these Mysteries, and for quiet contemplation.
The garden is planted with flowers and other plants with a Marian theme.

A Rosary-shaped path provides a processional way along which to contemplate the Mysteries of Light, represented in plaques.
Central to the garden is a newly commissioned statue of Our Lady of Cana (by renowned sculptor Cody Swanson). She reminds us, in the words of the Gospel, to do whatever Jesus tells us.

Visiting the Garden
The Rosary Garden is located on Alan Cheales Way which runs along the side of the church, or through the Lady Chapel entrance of the church when it is open. The garden is only opened at specified times when we have volunteers to supervise, and generally only between May and October inclusive. At other times the elevated public footpath provides a good view into the garden.
We would like to thank all of those who gave so generously to sponsor the different elements of the garden, and we remember also those who were memorialised through these gifts.

The disused and unattractive area that preceded the creation of the garden