Next Sunday, the 6th of December, at the 12 noon Solemn Mass, which is the 2nd Sunday of Advent, we welcome Bishop Nicholas Hudson back to St Dominic’s. The Bishop will come to celebrate the Mass during which he will induct Fr Lawrence Lew OP as Parish Priest. We hope to see a good representation of parishioners at this Mass, during which there is a beautiful dialogue between the Bishop, the parish priest, and the parishioners. The rite of Induction is reproduced in full below:
Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you willing to co-operate with your Archbishop in preaching Christ in season and out of season, explaining to all the Word of God?
Fr Lawrence I am, with the help of God.
Bishop People of this parish, you are called to preach Christ by the witness of a good life and to hand on the faith to others. Are you willing to do this?
People We are, with the help of God.
Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you ready to pray with the people as well as for them, and to lead and encourage them in their apostolate in the world?
Fr Lawrence I am, with the help of God.
Bishop People of the parish, will you seek through prayer and service to grow in the knowledge of God and to make the Gospel known throughout the world?
People We will, with the help of God.
Bishop Fr Lawrence, will you prepare your people by wise instruction to receive the sacraments worthily and fruitfully?
Fr Lawrence I will, with the help of God.
Bishop People of the parish, will you co-operate with the Parish Priest in preparing the parishioners for the fruitful reception of the Sacraments?
People We will, with the help of God.
Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you willing to celebrate the sacraments faithfully for the glory of God and the sanctification of Christ’s people?
Fr Lawrence I am, with the help of God.
Bishop People of this parish, will you faithfully participate in the Sacred Mysteries so that the Church may be built up as the Body of Christ?
People We will, with the help of God.
Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you willing to care for the marginalised and underprivileged, and to strive for justice and peace, based on the saving Truth of the Gospel?
Fr Lawrence I am, with the help of God.
Bishop People of this parish, are you willing to work for justice and peace in your homes and places of work according to the Gospel?
People We are, with the help of God.
Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you willing to work zealously to overcome division among Christians and to seek the unity for which Jesus prayed?
Fr George I am, with the help of God.
Bishop People of this parish, will you co-operate with other Christians to promote the work of deeper unity?
People We will, with the help of God.
Bishop Fr Lawrence, are you resolved to carry out your duties as a parish priest, giving no grounds for reproach?
Fr George I am, with the help of God.
Bishop People of this parish, will you support your parish priest in the responsibilities into which he is inducted today?
People We will, with the help of God.
Bishop Let us pray. God our Father, look upon Fr Lawrence, your servant and co-worker with the Archbishop in this place. May his word and example inspire and guide your people here and may he and all those in his care come to the joy of everlasting life. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
People Amen.
The Installation
The new Parish Priest is led by the Bishop to the Presidential Chair and seated in it
Bishop In the name of His Eminence Cardinal Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, I give you the document of your appointment and I entrust to you the keys of the church.
The greetings
The new parish priest stands and faces the congregation
Fr Lawrence People of this parish, I greet you all in the name of Jesus Our Lord.
People We welcome you among us in his name.