From 2 February 2023, the feast of Candlemas, the Rosary Shrine is launching a new prayer initiative so that you can participate in the prayers of this Shrine church:
1) Blue Marian votive lamps, which will burn for seven days, will be placed in new custom-made lamp stands in front of the altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, the patroness of this church and Rosary Shrine. You can book a votive lamp either online (click here) or come in person on Sundays to the Repository. Please include your prayer intentions, and please make the recommended donation of £6 for the blue Marian votive lamps. Up to ten of these lamps will burn each week in honour of Our Lady, and they are a sign of our prayers being offered perpetually before her.
2) In addition, there are two white sanctuary lamps hanging by the High Altar and they burn throughout the week on either side of the Tabernacle. They are a sign of the presence of the Lord in the Tabernacle, and they honour the Eucharist. Prayer intentions can also be offered for these two sanctuary lamps, either online or at the Repository, and the recommended donation for the sanctuary lamp is £10.
To book a week-long votive lamp in the Rosary Shrine for your intentions, visit:
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Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or