Who Is Jesus? Course

CORONAVIRUS ADVISORY: In the light of the announcement by the Prime Minister earlier this evening that with immediate effect all unnecessary gatherings, meetings and travel should be avoided, a decision has been made to POSTPONE THE WHO IS JESUS COURSE  with IMMEDIATE EFFECT until such time as it safe to resume public meetings again. It would be wrong to put you at risk, or for others to be put at risk indirectly, by carrying on at this stage. So to be clear: THERE WILL BE NO MEETING, TOMORROW, 17TH MARCH, OR UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Please ignore dates on the fliers given out before we knew about what coronavirus would do.

This Lent and Easter, you’re invited to the Rosary Shrine to discover: Who Is Jesus?…
“Jesus said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?'” (Matt 16:15)

Course format: People are welcome in a relaxed, respectful and friendly setting to participate in set of opportunities to share some food, listen to talks and explore and discuss ideas and issues that can be life changing. Tuesday evenings from 25 Feb – 26 May; from 7pm – 9pm including dinner, a short talk, and discussion groups.

Who is it for? The course is geared towards those without faith, enabling them to gain information, explore claims, and also begin a life of faith if they wish to do so. It also helps people renew or grow in existing faith, and provides material, insights and experience to help people share their faith with others. Respect for all guests, including their beliefs, values, feelings, outlooks and freedom are a core value of the organisers.

How long is the course? The course runs over 12 weekly sessions, with a day away for more extended reflection in the middle. It explores the basic claims of Christianity about Jesus, and what it means to become a Christian, in the wider context of our modern lives and the issues we face. Each session begins with hospitality and food, and is followed by a stimulating talk, then sharing and discussion in small groups, all within a welcoming and relaxed setting. Below are dates for the whole course:

25th Feb 1:  Do people have beliefs and faith nowadays? 

3rd  March 2:  Does talk about God or a Higher Power make sense?

10th March 3:  What evidence is there about Jesus?

17th March 4:  What did Jesus do?  

24th March 5:  Did Jesus really claim to be God?

31st March 6:  How can Jesus help me?

21st April 7:  Did Jesus die for each of us? 

28th April 8:  Is Jesus alive and active now?

5th   May 9:  How does God meet us in church?

9th May (Saturday)  DAY AWAY – HOW CAN WE MEET GOD TODAY? [A: How can I pray? B: How does God guide people?C: Is Jesus really present in the world today?  (Plus opportunities to relax, have some quiet, or pray in various ways)]

12th May 10: Can Jesus help us experience a life of love? 

19th May 11: Does Jesus offer hope for the future? 

26th May 12: Who is a follower of Jesus? 

If you have any questions, contact Br Andrew Brookes OP: andrew.brookes@english.op.org

Who Is Jesus? Course

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