Author: Lawrence Lew

Welcome to our Parish Sisters!

Welcome to our Parish Sisters!

Sr Carino and Sr Lucy from the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph (based in the New Forest) have made a video to introduce themselves to us.

From 11 September 2021, they will be coming to St Dominic’s every weekend, helping the Dominican friars to support and build up the parish community in faith, hope, and love. They will have a key role in forming lay volunteers as catechists, working alongside them in providing catechesis for the children of this parish, preparing them to receive the Sacraments and encouraging them in their friendship with Jesus Christ. Welcome, dear Sisters!

Current Opening Hours

Current Opening Hours

Under the current phase of the re-opening of England, and considering the security needs of the church, here are the Opening Hours for the church:

Mon – Fri: 3pm – 7pm (with Adoration at 5pm, Mass at 6pm, and Vespers at 6:45pm)

Saturdays: 5pm – 7pm (unless other advertised events are going on which may allow us to open earlier in the day)

Sundays: 8am – 1:30pm, and 5pm–7:30pm (with Masses at 8:30am, 10am, 12noon, Adoration, Vespers & Benediction at 5pm, and Dominican Rite Sung Mass in Latin at 6pm)

May 2021 in the Rosary Shrine

May 2021 in the Rosary Shrine

Pope Francis has urged us to pray the Rosary daily during the month of May, which is known as Mary’s month, to ask God to end the pandemic. During the month of May, there will be a Rosary Procession every Saturday at 7pm in our church. This lasts about 30 minutes, and guest choirs will sing at some of them. The procession will not be livestreamed except on 29 May.

Our weekly livestreamed Rosary will continue every Friday at 8pm. Do please join us on This is an online event only.

During the month of May, the Luminous Mysteries Rosary Garden will be open, weather permitting. Please note that if the weather is inclement, the garden will not be opened! Planned opening hours are:

Sunday: 8:30am – 11:45am

Monday: 1 – 2pm

Tuesday: 1 – 2pm

Wednesday: 1 – 2pm

Thursday: 3 – 4pm

Friday: 3 – 4pm

Saturday: 11am – 12pm

We thank our volunteers who enable the Garden to be opened. If you’d like to volunteer to open the garden, please email or contact us on Facebook. Thank you.

On 22nd of May, the Legion of Mary will be making a Pilgrimage to the Rosary Shrine, and all are welcome to join them for prayers, Mass (12 noon), and a talk. The programme of events for that day are here.

On the 29th of May, the Rosary Garden will be open from 1:30pm – 5:30pm as part of the National Garden Scheme, and proceeds from tickets, tea, and cakes will go to charity. In the evening, after the 6pm Vigil Mass, the 7pm Rosary procession will be broadcast live on Radio Maria England, and there will be an opportunity to find out more about Radio Maria.

Sacramental Preparation Update

Sacramental Preparation Update

Nine of our young parishioners were confirmed on Pentecost Sunday (23 May 2021). Thank you to their catechists and congratulations to them! We value the contribution of our young adults to the life of our parish, and we pray for them. 

We will be enrolling new Confirmation candidates for both 2021 and 2022 at the same time in December this year, and they will be confirmed together in the Summer of 2022. If you would like to be confirmed this year (2021) it may be possible to join the Deanery group at the Cathedral. Please speak to Fr Lawrence after Sunday Mass. 

Candidates for First Holy Communion: Parents should have registered their interest with the parish secretary, or should speak to the parish priest after Sunday Mass. We hope to begin catechesis soon for 2021 Communions, so please register asap at:

Baptismal Preparation: Infant baptisms will ordinarily take place on the 1st Sunday of the month at the 10am Mass. Please speak to Fr Lawrence after Sunday Mass if you wish to have your child baptised. In most cases, you will need to attend two sessions of the Baptismal Course. This usually takes place on the 3rd Sunday of every month after the 10am Mass. A form will be given to you either by Fr Lawrence or the Catechist, and you can book the Baptism after you have attended the second session, if necessary.

Liturgy Schedule from 25 April

Liturgy Schedule from 25 April

SUNDAYS: (Vigil Mass on Sat at 6pm); Ordinary Form Masses at 8:30am; 10am (with Baptisms on first Sundays); 12 noon (Ordinary Form, with choir, at the High Altar); and 6pm (Dominican rite Sung Mass at High Altar).

Solemn Vespers & Benediction at 5:30pm.

MONDAY – SATURDAY: Ordinary Form Mass daily at 6pm.


CONFESSIONS: Saturday, 5-6pm; Sunday, from 9:45am, and from 11:45am.

Under the current phase of re-opening after Covid, the church will be open from 3–7pm (Mon–Fri); from 4:30–7pm (Sat); and on Sunday from 8am–1:30pm, then from 5–7:30pm.

Masses at the Restored High Altar

Masses at the Restored High Altar

We are grateful to all our benefactors and to all the talented craftsmen who have worked hard on repairing and restoring the stonework and stained glass in the apse of the church, which is dedicated to the Fifth Glorious Mystery – The Coronation of Our Lady and the Glory of all the Saints. The High Altar with its beautiful marble, mosaics, alabaster and metalwork has also been completely cleaned, and we are now in the final phase of re-gilding the walls of the apse, the tabernacle, and the High Altar itself.

From the very beginning, the High Altar with its Tabernacle and Exposition Throne has been the central focus of this beautiful church; this is its heart. And since Apostolic times, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been celebrated with the Priest and people standing on the same side, facing the so-called ‘liturgical East’, in anticipation of the Lord who promised to return from the East. Turned together to the Lord, the Priest and ministers and laity express outwardly an important interior turning of our minds and our hearts and our whole lives and beings towards the Lord who comes to us in the Holy Mass, present on the Altar.

Therefore, from Sunday 25 April onwards, the 12 noon Solemn Mass will be offered at the High Altar. This ‘Ordinary Form’ Mass will be in English, as usual, with Gregorian chants and choral motets sung by the choir as usual. The readings will also be read in English, with lay readers as usual. The only difference is that the Offertory and Eucharistic Prayer will be prayed by the Priest at the High Altar.

On the same Sunday 25 April, the Dominican rite Sung Mass, which is an ‘Extraordinary Form’ Mass in Latin, will resume. This Mass (which used to be at 4pm on Sundays) will henceforth be at 6pm, sung at the High Altar; this is the only sung EF Mass on a Sunday in our Archdiocese of Westminster. Where possible, sheets with English translations of the readings and prayers will be provided.

So, from 25th April, the Sunday evening schedule at the Rosary Shrine will be as follows: Adoration from 5pm; Solemn Vespers (sung by the Dominican community) at 5:30pm followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; Dominican rite Sung Mass at 6pm.

Our Sunday morning schedule remains unchanged: Mass at 8:30am (said) and 10am (Family Mass), with confessions from 9:45am and 11:45am.

All are very welcome indeed, and we hope that this full liturgical life, offering all that the Church’s rich Tradition allows, will be of service to you, and help you to feel at home in Our Lady’s Rosary Shrine, where together as one community but in a legitimate diversity of forms we can, in spirit and in truth, worship the one true and living God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

About the 2021 Paschal Candle

About the 2021 Paschal Candle

The Paschal Candle is the large decorated candle that is lit throughout the Easter season, and at every Baptism and every Funeral throughout the year. There are certain elements that must be on every Paschal candle: a cross, the year, and the Alpha and the Omega, a reminder that Christ is the Beginning and the End, and that all time belongs to him, and all our days are ordered by him as we live in his grace, in the light of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For the last two years, Fr Lawrence Lew, our current parish priest and Prior, has painted the Paschal Candle, and he has incorporated various symbols in the design that he has written about and explained in this blog post, with photos of the candle. Click on this link: Painting the Paschal Candle 2021.

2021 is a significant year for us: we give thanks to God for 800 years since the Dominican friars first arrived in England; 800 years since St Dominic’s death when he promised to pray for us and help us from heaven; and 450 years since the feast of the Holy Rosary was established by Pope St Pius V in 1571. The design on our Paschal Candle incorporates these three events, as detailed here.


Current Mass & Confession Schedule

Current Mass & Confession Schedule

Christ is risen, alleluia! The church will be open every day, resuming the schedule of daily Mass (Mon – Sat) at 6pm. Adoration will take place from 5pm on those days.

Sunday Masses, currently will be at 8:30am, 10am, and 12 noon, with music at the 10am and 12 noon Masses, and the participation of lay readers once more on Sundays. Confessions on Sat (5-6pm) and on Sun (from 9:45am and from 11:45am).

Please note that the church will have to be closed at all other times, due to the on-going requirement that a steward is on hand whenever we open, and also due to the need to clean the church after every service. We continue to pray for an end to the pandemic and these necessary restrictions.

Restored: Mrs Monselle’s Memorial

Restored: Mrs Monselle’s Memorial

The altar of Saint Thomas Aquinas, at the top of the south aisle, sits right up against the great organ. It was donated by Mrs Monselle in memory of her four sons, all of whom became priests. As the brass plaque to the left of the altar indicates, three of her sons (two of whom were Dominicans) died tragically young.

Heartbroken, Mrs Monselle erected this beautiful altar, a veritable Shrine, dedicated to St Thomas Aquinas, to whom her sons must have had a great devotion. St Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican friar and priest, the pre-eminent theologian and philosopher of the Catholic Church, and declared the Common Doctor of the Church, who died on 7 March 1274. His feast day is still celebrated on this date in the Dominican rite calendar, although the universal Church now observes his feast day on 28 January, the anniversary of the translation of his relics to Toulouse where they are enshrined in the medieval Dominican church (L’eglise des Jacobins).

The Aquinas altar when it was first installed: note the uncarved altar frontal.
The Aquinas altar before restoration: note the missing finial.

This year the English Dominican Province gives thanks to God for their 800th Jubilee, for the first Dominican friars arrived in England in 1221, sent by St Dominic himself, and they established their first priory in Oxford on the 15th of August 1221.

In commemoration of this historic event, and to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Province, the friars at St Dominic’s, London decided to restore and, for the first time, gild the altar of St Thomas Aquinas. The plan to gild the altar, as it was a new addition to the interior of this Grade II* listed building, had to be submitted to the Historic Churches Commission for consent. The friars noted that the three altars in the Lady Chapel, which have similar stonework and gables to the St Thomas altar, are all gilded, and so it would be fitting to thus complete the gilding of this set of four altars, which are the only altars in the church not dedicated to one of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary; the other fifteen altars in the church, including the High Altar, are effectively Rosary altars. Happily, approval was granted by the HCC, and we were asked to consider replacing the finial that surmounted the central gable but which had gone missing. The restorer was prepared to re-create this, using a historic photograph (shown above) to help him replicate the original finial.

An undercoat to prepare the stone parapet for gilding.

As work commenced this week and the altar was cleaned, the original finial, although broken in parts, was found on top of the altar! This saved us time and money so the finial was repaired and then gilded and put back in its place, where it beautifully crowns the entire work.

The lost finial, as found…
The missing finial: found, repaired, and gilded!
Our happy restorers, Vitor & Gildo after they had replaced the missing finial at the centre.

The Aquinas Altar is now completed and beautifully gilded just on time for his ‘dies natalis’, his heavenly birthday, on 7 March 2021. The gold highlights include the carving of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, the edges of the pages of his books, the sun emblem on St Thomas’s chest, and the stars on the predella and around him. The sun and stars are inspired by this verse of Scripture: “They that are learned shall shine as the brightness of the heavens: and they that instruct many to justice, as stars for all eternity.” (Daniel 12:3)

“Pursue with energy [St Thomas Aquinas’s] works, more brilliant than the sun and written without the shadow of error” – Pope Benedict XIII
St Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!

Funding for this project came from generous donations through our Justgiving page, and also through the post, including a donation from members of the Priestly Fraternity of St Dominic – fitting, given the intention of the original donor of this altar. A Mass will be celebrated for all those who donated towards this restoration.

We trust that Mrs Monselle will be pleased with this work, and we ask St Thomas Aquinas to pray for her and her sons, and for the English Dominican Province. May the Lord grant us many vocations, fervent lovers of divine Wisdom and preachers of Truth like St Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor.

The restored and gilded Aquinas altar seen from the south aisle.

Lent: Confessions & Mass schedule from 17 Feb 2021

Lent: Confessions & Mass schedule from 17 Feb 2021

Lent begins on Wednesday 17th February. As Lent begins, we shall be re-introducing scheduled Confession times; daily Adoration at 5pm (except Friday & Sunday); and there will Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 5pm.

If you’d like to mark Ash Wednesday at home with your family as suggested by the Cardinal, please refer to his Pastoral Letter here.

The Dominican Rite Sung Mass will resume when the Apse & High Altar restoration is complete, hopefully around Easter.

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Sponsor a Lamp

Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or

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