
£6000 raised!

£6000 raised!

Heartfelt thanks to all who contributed in various ways to our summer fayre, which raised an incredible £6000! A special thank you to all who helped on the day, and in particular to those who generously donated items towards the fayre for the raffle prizes and tombola. The parish relies on your generosity, so thank you for your support!

New Prior of London elected

New Prior of London elected

The Dominican community are pleased to announce that Fr Matthew Jarvis, O.P., currently resident at our house of St Albert the Great in Edinburgh, has accepted his election as the new prior of St Dominic’s Priory, London, succeeding Fr Dominic White, O.P., who was recently elected Prior of Oxford. Please pray for Fr Matthew as he begins his new role. He will move to London in the coming week. Fr Joseph Bailham, O.P., continues as parish priest and rector of St Dominic’s Church – The Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Fr Dominic elected Prior of Oxford

Fr Dominic elected Prior of Oxford

In recent days, Fr Dominic White, O.P., hitherto prior of St Dominic’s, London, accepted his canonical election as Prior of the Priory of the Holy Spirit, Oxford. Whilst we are very sad to say goodbye to Fr Dominic, we wish him well and all the Dominican brethren in Oxford. Please pray for the community in London who will begin the process of electing a new prior in early July. Fr Joseph Bailham, O.P., continues as parish priest and rector of St Dominic’s Church – The Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Could you help the Dominicans by leaving a gift in your Will?

Could you help the Dominicans by leaving a gift in your Will?

The Dominican Friars’ mission over eight centuries has been supported by many gifts left in people’s Wills. Today such gifts provide one fifth of the annual income needed to support this mission, allowing the friars to enrich thousands of people’s lives – as can be seen in the joyful testimonies below.

This week is Catholic Legacy Week, and we invite you too to consider leaving a gift to Catholic charities in your Will – including to the Dominican Friars. Since we believe it is really important for everyone to have an up-to-date Will, we are pleased to offer practical assistance in this, including a free Will-writing service.


This week we have gathered joyful and moving personal testimonies from our supporters – stories of how the Dominicans have enriched people’s lives in different ways. Here is a small selection:

  • ‘The Dominican emphasis on preaching and living the gospel particularly to the poor and marginalised and its loving welcome to all was a revelation.’
  • ‘I find your on-line liturgy of the greatest help here in Italy. At 86 I’m a little beyond learning enough Italian to follow the homilies […] so yours fill in for them admirably.’
  • ‘I spent three really enriching years with the Studium in Oxford which encouraged and equipped me for teaching adults.’
  • ‘The Dominicans helped our family without hesitation when asked. They carried us through a very sad and low time. The help, guidance and support given will never be forgotten by our family. Thank you so much.’
  • ‘I would like to thank the community at Oxford for the sacramental succour they gave a mutual friend in her dying days and at her funeral.’
  • ‘I really don’t know what I would have done over the past few years without the Dominicans; the deeply inspiring preaching, the beautiful, reverent liturgy, the warm-hearted fellowship after Mass, the safe place in which to find decent, wise, faithful and kindly Catholics to mentor our children. I do not think our daughter would still be attending Mass if we had not found the community.’

Over 30 such testimonies have now been given on our website.

When you leave a gift in your Will to the Dominicans, you can be sure that your act of charity will touch many other people’s lives, enabling the friars through your practical support to continue their vital ministry.

What to do?

If you don’t yet have a Will drawn up, or need to update it, we offer a free Will-writing service to our supporters in the UK. Follow the link and send us your details, then we will send you information and a list of participating lawyers near you. When you have completed your Will, our charity covers the small charge for the service.

Alternatively you can speak with any reputable law firm. For most people, writing their Will is a very straightforward process and can be completed quickly.

Your lawyer will raise with you the question of whether you wish to support charities in your Will. The information to share with him in order to leave a gift to the Dominicans can be found here.

The friars pray daily with gratitude for all their benefactors, living and deceased.

Need help or advice?

Just email Richard in the Development Office on and I will be happy to help you.

Parish Office Closure

Please note that the Parish Office is closed from 27 April until 7 May due to the absence of the temporary parish secretary.

For urgent matters, please email the parish priest at or make a surgery appoint at

We apologise for any inconvenience.

New Prior Provincial

New Prior Provincial
It is with great joy that we share news that Fr Nicholas Crowe, O.P., hitherto Prior of Oxford, has been elected as the new Prior Provincial of the English Province, succeeding Fr Martin Ganeri, O.P.
We look forward to welcoming back Fr Nicholas to St Dominic’s where the Provincialate is located. Please pray for him, and indeed for all the brothers involved with the Provincial Chapter which continues its work in these days at Blackfriars, Oxford.

Choral Scholarships

Choral Scholarships

We are excited to announce the opportunity for choral scholarships for up to 4 persons to help enrich the musical life here at St Dominic’s – The Rosary Shrine.

In addition to singing regularly at the Sunday 12noon solemn Mass, and once a month at 5pm for the Latin Dominican Rite Mass, as well as during Christmas and Holy Week, choral scholars will also have first choice to sing at other liturgical events in the course of the year, such as for solemnities that fall on weekdays, funerals, weddings, and other such occasions.

This is an exciting opportunity to be part of and to enrich the musical life of an active parish and diocesan shrine.


To apply, please email Rachael Shipard at, copying in Martin Stacey (Director of Music) at, stating your interest and any background information about your experience to date.


Do you want to support music in our church?

These scholarships are available thanks to the generosity of donors who wish to support music-making at St Dominic’s – the Rosary Shrine.

If you too would like to support our rich musical culture, click here to donate.

Video: Fr Dominic thanks donors, shows new heated church floor

Video: Fr Dominic thanks donors, shows new heated church floor

The Prior of St Dominic’s, Fr Dominic White OP, has recorded a special 2 ½ minute video to show off the completed underfloor heating and new stone flooring in our church, as a way to thank donors – especially those who live a distance away from our church.

We extend a big thank-you to all those who supported, including the hundreds of generous individuals, and the following grant-makers:

  • Benefact Trust
  • Catholic Charitable Trust
  • Edith Bessie Gibson Trust
  • Garfield Weston Foundation

Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Mass Times

Advent & Christmas Mass Times

15 – 23 December

The Filipino Simbang Gabi novena of Masses in preparation for Christmas will be celebrated at 7.30pm (6pm on Sat 16 & 23, & 3pm on Sun 17 Dec).

Sunday 24th December 2023

Sunday Masses

8.30am, 10am, 12noon, 2pm Dominican rite Mass (Latin)

Christmas Eve

5:30–6:15pm Confessions

6:00pm Vigil Mass of Christmas

11:00pm Confessions

11:30pm Service of Carols & Midnight Mass of Christmas

Monday 25th December 2023

Christmas Day

8:30am Dawn Mass

10:00am Family Mass with carols

12 noon Solemn Mass with carols

5pm Adoration & 5.30pm Solemn Vespers

6pm Dominican Rite Mass (Latin)


Schedule after Christmas

Boxing Day 26th – Friday 29th December

Mass at 6pm Only

Saturday 30th

10am Mass

6pm Vigil Mass for Sunday

Sunday 31st December 2023

8.30am Mass

10am Family Mass

12noon Solemn Mass

5pm Adoration & 5.30pm Solemn Vespers

6pm Dominican rite Mass (Latin)


Confessions at the usual times on 30/31 December


Monday 1st January 2024

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and New Year’s Day

5pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions

6pm Mass

7pm Marian Procession and blessing of new statue

The Dominican Friars here at St Dominic’s Priory would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a joyful and hope-filled Christmas, and every blessing for the new year.


Drawing by Br Augustine Chen, O.P. [2022]

“The shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.’ And they went with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.”– Luke 2:15-16

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Sponsor a Lamp

Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or

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