Author: Lawrence Lew

Resumption of Mass & Confession – New Opening Hours

Resumption of Mass & Confession – New Opening Hours

We thank God that our church can now offer public Liturgies once again, and that the doors can be opened for private prayer. The initial phase of opening for private individual prayer went well, and we are able to build on that as we resume Mass and Confessions, but there will be changes to the opening hours.

The Archbishops of England have written a Message, and we draw your attention to this:

Our lives have been changed by the experience of the pandemic and it is clear that we cannot simply return to how things were before lockdown. We remain centred on the Lord Jesus and his command at the Last Supper to ‘do this in memory of me.’ We must now rebuild what it means to be Eucharistic communities, holding fast to all that we hold dear, while at the same time exploring creative ways to meet changed circumstances… [Because many will still be shielding] it is important to reaffirm that, at present, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended… We cannot return immediately to our customary practices. This next step is not, in any sense, a moment when we are going ‘back to normal.’ 

We will do all we can, in accordance with Government Guidance and Diocesan Guidelines, to ensure the church is safe and clean for you to attend Mass and to come and pray. But if you are shielded or vulnerable to the virus or feel uncomfortable to attend, please do stay at home and please do keep in touch with us, and let us know if we can help you.

Seating in church is socially-distanced, limited to maximum 150 per Mass. We will review this situation if the demand increases.

The following are the arrangements for Mass, and the new timetable:

SAT 4th JULY: 2–4pm = Church open for private individual prayer. Confessions will be heard to prepare for a return to Mass & Holy Communion.

SUNDAYS (from 5th JULY) = Masses at 8:30am; 10am; 12 noon.  These Masses will be brief, with no Homily; no servers or lay readers; Communion under one kind only. The church will be closed between each Mass for cleaning. 

SUNDAYS (from 5th JULY): 2-4pm = Church open for private individual prayer with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by Benediction at 3:45pm.

On SUNDAYS at 4pm, there will be a Dominican Rite Sung Mass at the High Altar after Adoration and Benediction. This Mass will also be livestreamed to The church will be closed immediately after this Mass.

Please note: there will be no Sunday 6pm Mass.

MONDAY-SATURDAY (from 6th JULY): The church will open at 5pm (Mon-Sat) with Mass at 6pm after which the church is closed for cleaning. On Saturdays (from 11 July onwards) Confessions will be heard from 5pm. Please note: there are no morning Masses from Mon-Sat. and the church remains closed until 5pm.

Church Re-Opening Hours

Church Re-Opening Hours

Thanks be to God! In accordance with the Guidelines agreed by the Bishops Conference with the Government, the Rosary Shrine church will be open for private prayer only from Monday 15 June 2020.

The opening hours are: Daily (weekdays and weekends) from 2pm – 4pm.

On Sundays, during the opening hours (2-4pm) the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on the Throne for adoration.

Please be advised that, sadly, groups of people from different households are not permitted to congregate together indoors, so this opening is just for personal and private prayer. Candle stands will be available for you to light votive candles in designated places, and stewards will be on hand to assist throughout the opening hours.

Let us continue to pray that this phase of re-opening will go smoothly, safely, and well, so that we can soon resume the public celebration of Holy Mass and the Sacraments.

Weekly Live Rosary on Fridays

Weekly Live Rosary on Fridays

From Friday, 5 June, which is the first Friday of the month of the Sacred Heart, we will be livestreaming the Rosary at 8pm every week to the new YouTube channel of the Dominican Order’s Promoter General of the Rosary. To go to the channel, visit Please be sure to subscribe to the channel, and click for notifications so that you are informed whenever we go Live!

Pentecost Sunday Rosary Rally

Pentecost Sunday Rosary Rally

Come, Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth!

On Sunday 31 May, the Rosary Shrine will be taking part in the National Rosary Rally.

Pope Francis is encouraging Catholics to pray the Rosary in their family homes during the month of May, especially when the pandemic is making us aware of the value of our families and making it possible for us to pray together in lockdown at home. He encourages simple Rosaries and joining online Rosary initiatives to pray to Our Lady for deliverance from Covid-19 and he has composed two prayers for this intention.  Here at the Rosary Shrine we have been praying the Rosary (Mon-Fri) ‘Live’ at 8pm at our Facebook page. Anybody can join us, even if you’re not signed up to Facebook.

This month of prayer will culminate in the Pentecost Sunday National Rosary Rally, which takes place across our nations – Scotland, England, and Wales – from 9.00am to 9.00pm. This initiative has been receiving the support and encouragement of the Bishops of our countries, and the plan is to have peoples across each Diocese to pray the Rosary at a designated hour. This can be done individually, in families, as online prayer groups, parish groups, and where possible led online by their parish priests and Bishop. 

This Rosary Shrine, being the Diocesan Shrine of Westminster, will take part in this Rally at the time appointed for our Diocese, 5:00 pm on Sun 31 May, with a stational Rosary streamed Live on our Facebook page. If you want to join us, visit our Facebook page at 5pm that day, and the Live video should come on.

Below are the rest of the allocated times for the United Kingdom and its dioceses. Find your diocese and please take part at the appropriate hour, or join us at the Rosary Shrine if you prefer.

  • 9.00am Arundel & Brighton, Northampton and HM Forces
  • 10.00am Birmingham, Nottingham & Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy
  • 11.00am Brentwood & Plymouth
  • 12 Noon Cardiff, Portsmouth & Dunkeld
  • 1.00pm Clifton, Salford & St. Andrews & Edinburgh
  • 2.00pm East Anglia, Shrewsbury, Aberdeen
  • 3.00pm Hallam, Southwark, Glasgow
  • 4.00pm Hexham & Newcastle, Wrexham, Ordinariate OLW
  • 5.00pm Lancaster, Westminster, Argyll & the Isles 
  • 6.00pm Leeds, Polish Catholic Mission & Glasgow
  • 7.00pm Liverpool, Middlesbrough & Motherwell
  • 8.00pm Menevia, Galloway, Paisley & Syro Malabar Eparchy
  • 9.00pm Rosary Rally will end with a final online Rosary & Blessing from Bishop John Keenan at St. Mirin’s Cathedral in Paisely.
Do download and share this image!

May 2020 – Rosary Mission

May 2020 – Rosary Mission

May is the month of Our Blessed Mother Mary, and this year the Rosary Shrine in London is pleased to host a Rosary Mission in collaboration with ‘Rosary on the Coast‘ whose Spiritual Director is Scottish Bishop John Keenan of Paisley, and the National Marian Shrine of Scotland at Carfin.

The prayer intentions of the Rosary Mission are as follows:

  • For Faith, Sanctity of Life, and Peace to prevail in our nations;
  • For an end to the COVID-19 virus, the sickness it causes, and its efects that prevent us living life in abundance (cf Jn 10:10);
  • For the protection of the common good, and people’s economic livelihoods;
  • That the Holy Spirit will preserve us from disaster and war.

Please pray the Rosary every day this month of May for these intentions, and we urge you to do so in a spirit of repentance and reparation, interceding for our nations.

This will culminate in a Nationwide Rosary Rally on Sunday 31st May, Pentecost Sunday, praying for the deliverance from all evils, and for the renewal of all nations through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We invite you to pray the Rosary together with us, and if you can, join us online at 8pm every night this month. We will be livestreaming to our respective Facebook pages following this schedule:

At the end of the Rosary each night, the two prayers given by Pope Francis will be recited.

If you prefer to use YouTube, the Divine Mercy Shrine in Wales will have a daily Rosary at 8pm too.

If you cannot make it at 8pm, you can still pray online with other livestreams, such as:

May Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!

Do please share this poster!

Virtual Reality visit to our Shrine

Virtual Reality visit to our Shrine

If you’re missing your church, London’s Rosary Shrine, or would like to ‘come in’ and pray, why not try out this wonderful virtual reality visit to the church? Thanks to VR technology, it’s now possible to make a virtual visit to the Rosary Shrine in London, and to ‘stand’ in front of its altars, or ‘walk’ from one Rosary chapel to another, as you pray from your homes.

To have a virtual tour created for your church or cultural heritage site, contact Amy Giuliano at, or see Commissions are based on the following metrics: $0.12/square foot and $1600 (base) for editing. Sites can be embedded with catechetical interactive video, audio, text, and images. Amy studied theology and art history in Rome at the Angelicum and trained in virtual reality tech at Yale. VADIS VR’s mission is 1) Pedagogy: Make the Church’s artistic patrimony accessible to all online, and 2) Preservation: digitally preserve a 3D model of your building – with all laser-scanned measurements needed for future restorations – offline!

Consecration to Mary

Consecration to Mary

This Wednesday 25th March is the feast of the Annunciation, one of the most solemn feasts of the year when we rejoice in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day, salvation came to our world. This year of 2020, the Annunciation is especially important as our world is threatened by the pandemic. Already by God’s Providence, the Bishops of England and Wales had chosen this date for the Rededication of England to Our Lady, to be followed by a solemn ceremony in our cathedrals, shrines, and churches at 12 noon on Sunday 29th March. Now, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Church is inviting all nations (and not just England) to be consecrated to Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima on the 25th of March.

So this Wednesday, pray this Act of Consecration to Our Lady. 25 March is the day of your personal consecration to Mary.

Virgin Mary, most powerful Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and earth, in accordance with your wish made known at Fatima, I consecrate myself today to your Immaculate Heart. To you I entrust all that I have, all that I am. Reign over me, dearest Mother, that I may be yours in prosperity, in adversity, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in sickness, in life and in death.Most compassionate Heart of Mary, Queen of Virgins, watch over my mind and heart and preserve me from the deluge of impurity which you lamented so sorrowfully at Fatima. I want to be pure like you. I want to atone for the many crimes committed against Jesus and you. I want to call down upon this country and the whole world the peace of God in justice and charity.Mindful of this consecration, I now promise to strive to imitate you by the practice of the Christian virtues without regard for human respect. I resolve to receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of every month when possible, and to offer daily five decades of the Rosary, with all my sacrifices in the spirit of penance and reparation. Amen.

And then, on 29th March, we in England shall have our communal rededication to Mary at 12 noon. In your homes, wherever you are during this national lock-down, gather as a family, as a household, and pray this prayer together:

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, I renew my consecration to you and to your Immaculate Heart. Please accept me, my dear Mother, and use me as you wish to accomplish your designs upon the world. I am all yours, my Mother, my Queen, and all that I have is yours.

Coronavirus & Public Worship

Coronavirus & Public Worship


On 18th March, the Bishops of England and Wales made the following statement: “In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, so many aspects of our lives must change. This includes the ways in which we publicly express our faith. It is very clear that, following official advice and in order to keep each other safe, save lives and support the NHS, at this time we must not gather for public acts of worship in our churches. This will begin from Friday evening, 20th March 2020, until further notice.”

REVISED OPENING HOURS: Here at the Rosary Shrine, we know that Our Lady is “our life, our sweetness, and our hope”, our consolation and mother particularly in our time of need. So, the church will remain open everyday (Monday– Sunday) from 8:30am – 4pm for private and individual prayer. All other scheduled events, such as daily Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Processions, Rosary prayer groups, and catechesis are currently suspended.

SOCIAL DISTANCING IN CHURCH: Please come in during these hours to light a candle before the images of the Saints, pray the Rosary to Our Lady in one of the many Rosary chapels and altars, or, most importantly, to sit in the real presence of Our Lord Jesus who is here for us in the tabernacle.

When you are in the church during opening hours, please observe social distancing: you must be at least 6 feet apart from the next person, and regrettably there can be no communal or group prayers in the church.

MASSES: The Priests at St Dominic’s will continue to celebrate private Masses every day, for the good of the whole Church, for our parish, and for the salvation of our world at this time of uncertainty and difficulty. The world is especially in need of the graces and mercy of God at this time, which is why Masses have not been stopped. Rather, only the public celebration of Mass, which would cause people to gather in church in numbers, are not permitted. However, rest assured that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered unceasingly throughout the world.

The Bishops say: “Knowing that the Mass is being celebrated; joining in spiritually in that celebration; watching the live-streaming of the Mass; following its prayers at home; making an act of spiritual communion: this is how we share in the Sacrifice of Christ in these days. These are the ways in which we will sanctify Sunday, and indeed every day”.

In particular any Mass intentions you have sent into our parish office will be honoured. Unfortunately, you will not be able to be physically present in the church for any Mass; all Masses will be celebrated by the priest alone. The Bishops, in accordance with Canon Law, have thus dispensed all Catholics from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays during these emergency circumstances. Nevertheless, Sunday is still the Lord’s day, and God’s commandment to keep Sundays holy remains. So, for example, be sure to read the Mass readings for the day, watch a livestreamed or televised Mass (see below), and pray the Rosary. The arrangements for Holy Week are being reviewed by the Bishops, and we will be informed in due course.

SPIRITUAL COMMUNION: In these difficult times, then, we invite you to be united with us in prayer from your own homes: you can watch a Mass live online as celebrated in Walsingham, or recorded on YouTube. When you watch the Mass online, make an act of Spiritual Communion. In this manner, you can receive the graces of Christ and have a genuine union with God through charity, for Jesus comes to us with his blessings and grace in these extraordinary means during these extraordinary times until we can once more safely gather again for the Holy Mass in our church.

CONFESSION & SICK CALLS: The Sacrament of Confession will be available on Saturdays from 10:30am, or on call. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered in emergency situations on request.

PRAYING TOGETHER ONLINE: If you can, please stay in contact via our Facebook page. We hope to put up homilies, spiritual readings, and videos that will help us grow together in faith, hope, and love during this unusually hard season of Lent.

Who Is Jesus? Course

Who Is Jesus? Course

CORONAVIRUS ADVISORY: In the light of the announcement by the Prime Minister earlier this evening that with immediate effect all unnecessary gatherings, meetings and travel should be avoided, a decision has been made to POSTPONE THE WHO IS JESUS COURSE  with IMMEDIATE EFFECT until such time as it safe to resume public meetings again. It would be wrong to put you at risk, or for others to be put at risk indirectly, by carrying on at this stage. So to be clear: THERE WILL BE NO MEETING, TOMORROW, 17TH MARCH, OR UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Please ignore dates on the fliers given out before we knew about what coronavirus would do.

This Lent and Easter, you’re invited to the Rosary Shrine to discover: Who Is Jesus?…
“Jesus said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?'” (Matt 16:15)

Course format: People are welcome in a relaxed, respectful and friendly setting to participate in set of opportunities to share some food, listen to talks and explore and discuss ideas and issues that can be life changing. Tuesday evenings from 25 Feb – 26 May; from 7pm – 9pm including dinner, a short talk, and discussion groups.

Who is it for? The course is geared towards those without faith, enabling them to gain information, explore claims, and also begin a life of faith if they wish to do so. It also helps people renew or grow in existing faith, and provides material, insights and experience to help people share their faith with others. Respect for all guests, including their beliefs, values, feelings, outlooks and freedom are a core value of the organisers.

How long is the course? The course runs over 12 weekly sessions, with a day away for more extended reflection in the middle. It explores the basic claims of Christianity about Jesus, and what it means to become a Christian, in the wider context of our modern lives and the issues we face. Each session begins with hospitality and food, and is followed by a stimulating talk, then sharing and discussion in small groups, all within a welcoming and relaxed setting. Below are dates for the whole course:

25th Feb 1:  Do people have beliefs and faith nowadays? 

3rd  March 2:  Does talk about God or a Higher Power make sense?

10th March 3:  What evidence is there about Jesus?

17th March 4:  What did Jesus do?  

24th March 5:  Did Jesus really claim to be God?

31st March 6:  How can Jesus help me?

21st April 7:  Did Jesus die for each of us? 

28th April 8:  Is Jesus alive and active now?

5th   May 9:  How does God meet us in church?

9th May (Saturday)  DAY AWAY – HOW CAN WE MEET GOD TODAY? [A: How can I pray? B: How does God guide people?C: Is Jesus really present in the world today?  (Plus opportunities to relax, have some quiet, or pray in various ways)]

12th May 10: Can Jesus help us experience a life of love? 

19th May 11: Does Jesus offer hope for the future? 

26th May 12: Who is a follower of Jesus? 

If you have any questions, contact Br Andrew Brookes OP:

Music events at the Rosary Shrine

Music events at the Rosary Shrine

Musical experiences coming up: We invite you to experience Pergolesi’s poignant and expressively beautiful musical setting of the ‘Stabat Mater’, which is the Sequence hymn for the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, a meditation on Our Lady’s sharing in the Passion of Christ on the Cross. This is probably one of the most renowned settings of these words, and we are glad to welcome back the Bach Players, who will perform in the gorgeous and intimate setting of the Lady Chapel in our church.

The concert will be on Saturday 7 March 2020 at 7:30pm, and tickets are available online, or on the door. £15 general admission, or £5 for students.

Moreover, on the 14th March at 7pm, we will be hosting a Celebrity Organ Recital! Our monthly organ recitals are a wonderful chance to hear our historic and internationally renowned ‘Father Willis’ organ at its splendid best. This month features a special concert given by international concert organist Nigel Allcoat. He will play his own Stabat Mater with plainchant and improvisations. Admission free – retiring collection.

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Sponsor a Lamp

Lighting a Votive Lamp for Your Prayer Intentions Use the secure form below to sponsor one or more lamps in our church. A week-long lamp will burn for your intentions before the Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary, or

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