We thank God that our church can now offer public Liturgies once again, and that the doors can be opened for private prayer. The initial phase of opening for private individual prayer went well, and we are able to build on that as we resume Mass and Confessions, but there will be changes to the opening hours.
The Archbishops of England have written a Message, and we draw your attention to this:
Our lives have been changed by the experience of the pandemic and it is clear that we cannot simply return to how things were before lockdown. We remain centred on the Lord Jesus and his command at the Last Supper to ‘do this in memory of me.’ We must now rebuild what it means to be Eucharistic communities, holding fast to all that we hold dear, while at the same time exploring creative ways to meet changed circumstances… [Because many will still be shielding] it is important to reaffirm that, at present, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains suspended… We cannot return immediately to our customary practices. This next step is not, in any sense, a moment when we are going ‘back to normal.’
We will do all we can, in accordance with Government Guidance and Diocesan Guidelines, to ensure the church is safe and clean for you to attend Mass and to come and pray. But if you are shielded or vulnerable to the virus or feel uncomfortable to attend, please do stay at home and please do keep in touch with us, and let us know if we can help you.
Seating in church is socially-distanced, limited to maximum 150 per Mass. We will review this situation if the demand increases.
The following are the arrangements for Mass, and the new timetable:
SAT 4th JULY: 2–4pm = Church open for private individual prayer. Confessions will be heard to prepare for a return to Mass & Holy Communion.
SUNDAYS (from 5th JULY) = Masses at 8:30am; 10am; 12 noon. These Masses will be brief, with no Homily; no servers or lay readers; Communion under one kind only. The church will be closed between each Mass for cleaning.
SUNDAYS (from 5th JULY): 2-4pm = Church open for private individual prayer with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by Benediction at 3:45pm.
On SUNDAYS at 4pm, there will be a Dominican Rite Sung Mass at the High Altar after Adoration and Benediction. This Mass will also be livestreamed to facebook.com/RosaryShrineUK. The church will be closed immediately after this Mass.
Please note: there will be no Sunday 6pm Mass.
MONDAY-SATURDAY (from 6th JULY): The church will open at 5pm (Mon-Sat) with Mass at 6pm after which the church is closed for cleaning. On Saturdays (from 11 July onwards) Confessions will be heard from 5pm. Please note: there are no morning Masses from Mon-Sat. and the church remains closed until 5pm.